Sonic the Hedgehog
The most famous hedgehog in the world


Name | Sonic the Hedgehog |
Alias | Classic Sonic, Sonic from another dimension, Little Blue Blur, Little Blue Savior, Fastest Thing Alive, Unstoppable Fast-Moving Blue Demon from Hell |
Born | Christmas Island |
Age | Around 12 |
Height | 3'3" (100 cm) |
Weight | 77 lbs (35 kg) |
Likes | Running, Adventures, Chilli dog, Stopping Eggman, Relaxing, Napping, Saving the World, Speed, Peace and Serenity |
Dislikes | Evil, His enemies, Deep water, People making fun of his weight, Waiting |

This Sonic's characterization is mainly based on the mainline games with a few other element from other medias put into the sideline such as his playful & karmic trickster persona from Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog and downplayed version of his much jerkish and brash personality from Sonic the Comic and Sonic Archie Comic.
While he still being mute and mainly using his actions & wits alone to interact with others as usual, Sonic could sprout out one-liner on rare occasion ala Sonic CD (and out of nowhere, no less). Basically, just think of him like Tom & Jerry. Bonus point that sometime he would referred to a famous & shoutout lines while at it as well.
Following the previous point above, Sonic has two possible voice actor whenever he talks. He's either voiced by Keiko Utoku or Takeshi Kusao. While it's on a minor side, there could be Martin Burke from Sonic OVA also thrown into the mix.
Also following the previous point above, since Sonic unable to talk much on his own, expect him to just using reaction pic and/or relying on his writer to describe his action. Sometimes he would write the tweet himself though.
After the event of Sonic Generations, Sonic's future timeline has been altered the moment he stumbled upon his modern counterpart as the two Sonics defeated Time Eater. If that wasn't enough, after the event of Sonic Mania, the Phantom Ruby's illusion disrupt the new classic timeline and reboot the whole thing, which is sort of function like the Genesis Wave from the Sonic Archie Comic to ensures that its aesthetic will be maintained, hence why this Sonic alongside his current timeline sort of could be chalked off as from another dimension.
Sonic isn't a fan of romance, so he finds affectionate stuff like hugging and kissing are pretty disgusting. With that being said, he would make an exception with the former to comforting someone who need an emotional support among other things. Additionally, Sonic does attract multiple love interests who fell for him, which ranged from a pink hedgehog, hat-wearing alien girl, all the way to the leader of the resistance group herself. So much so that his mun might consider to do multiship to deal with this, even if Sonic himself wouldn't approve with this and not the best dude in romance. But hey, we'll see!
Sonic might love to travel across the world alone, but he doesn't mind to have a company on occasion, espectially with Tails.
While Sonic loves staying in South Island a lot, specifically Green Hill, the place isn't exactly his home but rather his favorite hanging spot instead.
Keeping true to his character as a mascot with attitude, let's just say that Sonic isn't a complete goody goody two-shoes despite his cutesy look & his nature of being mute, as he can be quite a sassy & rude lil' brat on occasions. Not to mention that his characterization from Sonic the Comic and Sonic Archie Comic does put into play here. With that being said, he still have a moral to balance it out and his jerk nature only come across as playful around his friends and annoying around his enemies.
Following the previous point of keeping true to his character, Sonic capable to break the fourth wall on occasions, including the fact that he's fully aware that he just a character who being played by his writer on twitter. It doesn't stop him to disagree with them to do things that he hates and could possibly even revolt against them in annoyance if it's gone too far. Thus whenever he acts out of character, don't blame him, blame his writer...
Napping is one of Sonic's hobby and it also crucial for his power. All because the hedgehog required his minimum 8 hours sleep, otherwise the lack of rest will affect his super speed as the more tired he is, the slower he become.